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Featured Course Introduction: Flower Arrangement

Flower arrangement is one of the featured elective courses of the International Service Industry Management Program. The flower show at the end of the semester has been held on the first floor of the library on December 21, 2022. Interested students are welcome to come and participate in the exhibition.

    After the Flower Arrangement course is explained by the teacher, it is handed over to the students to practice, so that the students can actually understand the technique of Jing Si Ikebana and the meaning behind it. Zhi-Qi Li, a second-year student from the Department of Human Development and Psychology who took the Flower Arrangement course, said in the report: “I think flowers are as unique as people. Everyone has their own unique advantages, and no one can replace them. People and The interaction between people will not be the same, and the relationship between different people can produce emotions and sparks. Plant’s life is also like a human life. It grows up under the cultivation of others and the environment, and will use his best ability to contribute to himself in the future. Power to benefit society.”

Flower arrangement pays attention to the balance of the whole, that is, from any angle and distance, you can see the different beauty of the works. Each flower branch and leaf can display its own beauty in different works or themes. At the end of the Flower Arrangement Course, there will be a wonderful flower exhibition. In the exhibition, you can see the static plants showing their toughness and vitality, and the flower arrangement technique allows the inconspicuous flowers to show their unique beauty, so that they have a fitting position plays its part.